What The Fuck, America?


Jon Stewart pointed out how bad things looked in 1984 during Reagan's landslide. This is supposed to be hopeful? I can't even list all the evil shit Reagan's administration got up to, and how it all laid the groundwork for two right-wing Democratic presidencies on top of the horrors of George W. Bush's two terms. For nearly forty years the United States moved rightward until the Republicans fell off the map of sanity into the land of "they're eating the pets". It took until Joe Biden was elected in 2020 before Democrats started embracing a more progressive agenda, putting them very slightly to the left of Genghis Khan. It's little consolation that Democrats may -- may -- take the White House again in 2028 if the Democrats do what they did last time and assume their loss was because they weren't far enough to the right. Already supposedly Democratic elected officials like asshole Tom Suozzi are throwing trans people under the bus. I can't wait until the main Democratic Party plank is that concentration camps should be surrounded with barbed wire that's union made.

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