What The Fuck, America?


I know the press usually smooths out Dear Leader's pronouncements but I really feel this week has been a stark reminder of just how much of a disservice journalists are doing when they make statements about what Trump says. They made it sound as if he made an admittedly evil and wrong connection between Diversity Equity and Inclusion initiatives in the Federal Aviation Administration and the tragic accident over D.C. on January 29, but if you check the transcript, or listen to his actual speech, you find a nearly incoherent mess of garbled concepts barely held together by the throughline no doubt suggested by a flunky just before Trump took the stage: "Blame it on the Democrats." I'm sorry for the Wall of Text strip on this but damn, I had to get across the actual words this man used and how absolutely stupid they are. "We have to have our smartest people. It doesn't matter what they look like, how they speak, who they are. It matters intellect, talent, the word talent you have to be talented, naturally talented geniuses. You can't have regular people doing that job."

Plus I don't hear enough people pointing out that his discussion of the FAA's initiatives he's disparaging, which he nonsensically dates to January 14, 2025, six days before he took office -- as if someone did this specifically to fuck him up -- is word for word from a New York fucking Post article written from the idiot point of view of a propaganda organ trying to undermine a legitimate concern of good governance. It sounds like my New York City Italian-American relatives bitching about "the govvinmint" and how stupid they are. "Wouldja believe they don't care if you kin do tha job, they just wanna know if you're a [unprintable slur]."

The Post approvingly quotes medical asshole Stanley Goldfarb, who is bankrolled by billionaire hedge fund dickhead Joseph Edelman, without mentioning that his group, Do No Harm, is in fact an anti-racist, transphobic lobbyist. Do No Harm literally believes "efforts to recruit a more diverse group of medical practitioners will result in lower standards of care", which is to say women and Blacks and gay people are worse at health care than white men. You'd think a guy named Goldfarb would know where this kind of thing leads, but I guess we're back in leopards eating faces territory.

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