What The Fuck, America?


I mean, really. And there's George "Did a War Crimes" Bush and good ole Billy Clinton the serial sex pest, and everyone's chummy, because it's all one big happy.

Several years ago I worked at a big multinational bank in a division which handled the giving out of freebies to big account holders. $10 million assets under management would get you tickets to see the Yankees, but only when they played a low-end team; to see them play Boston you needed $30 million AUM. I never really understood why a company would give free stuff to people who clearly could afford to buy anything they wanted, but there it is. Many of the events we gave out tickets for were talks given by elites -- remember Hillary got in a mess of trouble when she was running for president and it turned out big banks had paid her all kinds of money for speaking fees. Things like that.

One event was a joint chat with George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. This blew my mind. Aren't they supposed to be adversaries? Wasn't Bush a war criminal? How could anyone share a stage with him, especially from the opposing party?

The answer, of course, is that they're all on the same team. And that team is not yours.

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