What The Fuck, America?


It's interesting to note that Obama promised to close Guantanamo on the campaign trail and signed an executive order to close it on his second day in office in 2009. Remember at that time, and for the next two years, the Democrats had a majority in both houses of Congress. Yet the legislation preventing the transfer of "detainees" (best not call them "prisoners") to the United States (and no one else wanted them, except maybe China, so the CCP could torture and execute the Uyghurs) didn't pass until 2015, at which point you might remember Congress was controlled by Republicans.

There was a ton of resistance against closing Guantanamo, mostly from the Pentagon, which really liked the idea of having an extrajudicial space to store people they wanted to torture one way or another. Or that they wanted to give a special long-term vacation to, as Dick Cheney described it. ("They're living in the tropics. They're well fed. They've got everything they could possibly want.") But it's pretty clear this wasn't a priority of the Obama administration. But then again, using the powers invested in his office was clearly not a priority of Obama at all.

I guess the good news is that as of this writing there are only 15 people from the so-called War on Terror still being "detained" at Guantanamo and only three of them are being held without charge. That's almost like closing the prison! 26 years later! Thanks, ObamaTrump!

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